34 Titles People Suggest

Schematic of village

If you have diplomatic chops, you will penetrate an audience. That reaction creates a chemical cascade & reaches into the nuclei of human cells, & turns on genes & build up muscle in response to your environmental challenge. That’s why you tell more & more jokes. To give your life meaning & influence, sending neurotransmitters in the hippocampus (located deep in the cranial cavity) sparking the amygdala – comparable to hormones in the endocrine system that secretes in that moment.

NeverRepeataJoke is a semi-mythical place purported to be full of precious worldly gold, promising bountiful tranquility & the riches of nature, contoured & intensively landscaped to create a surprisingly rich, lush, forested feel; coastal sage scrub teeming with turtles & black goldfish.

Many times a person’s regular vocation may lead to their avocation. A person who pursues an avocation is more remembered by history for their social status than for their professional career.

I’m a great believer in luck & I find the harder I work the more I have of it. The more you work is how lucky you are. You make your own luck.

I was exposed online for someone who I am really not. Caught red-handed. I’m not a comedian. I’m a comedian’s comedian. I’m trying to create a new genre.

Telling a joke is not to regress. It is to digress plain & simple. It is to have an influence, be an influence, but not be under the influence. It was about being a pioneer, not to grant implicit faith to jokers nor to prove that a comic can make it. I don’t excuse my bigotry by saying I can’t help it.

Here are 38 synonymous titles I personally thought of replacing the title to my web show that ran 4 years, or suggested among my peers.

1.) Riffin’
2.) The Last Word
3.) Free Association of Euphemisms
4.) Walk the Plank
5.) May I Be Mean?
6.) Juvenile Ubiquity
7.) Off My Cuffs
8.) Time to Outshine
9.) Un-rehearsed
10.) Rudolph’d
11.) Twitter 2.0
12.) Artful Sabotage
13.) Nose Dive Into Oblivion
14.) Magician-I’ll
15.) Arab Zinger
16.) Bull-Shit Anon
17.) 4th Wall
18.) My Rise to Fame
19.) They Who Cry Wolf
20.) CyCliCality
21.) Sugar Jacket
22.) Jolly Folly
23.) Air Your Dirty Laundry
24.) Word to the Wise
25.) Monologuist
26.) Tunnel Vision
27.) Comic’s Comic
28.) A Helping of Curb
29.) My Facebook Feed
30.) Anti-Comedian
31.) Joke Execution
32.) End All / Be All
33.) My Funniest Moment
34.) Transparent Lies

If I were to change the title of Never Repeat a Joke, it would be Jesuite. The translation from English into French is I am, Jesus & Court Jester.

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