Standup Comedy Is A Testimony To Screenwriting

Nowadays the biopic, or the autobiography, is the single vehicle & means or avenue for the autéur.

Social Media has also proven that “shameless self-promotion” can be an act of catharsis as well as SPAM. Isn’t this what we are coerced to do on social media? Now imagine a comedienne or comedian who every time they perform they are doing it for the first time?

Wit engenders audiences since public speaking, or diplomacy, is the one art we are constrained by public opinion or the opinion of a 3rd party to be gender specific … With Sisters & a slew of powerhouse comediennes these days to metastasize stand-up comedy today & forever. Because if it is not jiggly then it is just not giggly.

YouTube founder Chad Hurley & Steve Chen say, “The recipe to virility or ‘break the Internet’ is spontaneity.”

Is there any demarcation from social media to virtual reality? Not anymore. The idea is to cook up food for thought. Fodder for the public. Brainstorm. Provide the backbone, skeleton, flesh of ideas — Flush out the ingredients to our secret recipes.

Today, LinkedIn & Facebook (which owns Twitter & Instagram) stand divided from Google Plus & YouTube only in the stock market. Social media collectively hones the craft of all genders as scriptwriters & comedian/comedienne alike. In 2006, after the Writer’s Strike there was a recorded 60K scriptwriters. Today every metropolitan accounts for 60K scriptwriters. There was a grand total 6K comedians/ comediennes in the U.S. Now every metropolitan caps at 6K jokers. Ask any veteran comedian who has studied the comedy scene or research. Soon it’ll be per capita. This parallel influx proves screenwriting is a testimony to standup comedy.

If stand-up comedy is serious business & serious business isn’t funny then is stand-up comedy funny?

Superheroes also go hand in hand with comics. Superheroes & comics act on impulse to strum heartstrings. Like Hancock on call to spew theatrics at the drop of a mic. We apply meritocracy to a class-clown act in the vein of Breakfast Club.

The grass really is just as green on the other side. And gravity would crack both femurs if ever you were to hit the ground running. Since a smile speaks every language, we need to continue to expand language in all forms; for users of social media to receive visceral reactions for their contributions all the while gaining a virtual footprint /identity. We believe Happiness is a 2nd language – not happiness as a 2nd language.

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